selected publications
Zhou, Wanding, and Yitzhak Reizel. "On correlative and causal links of replicative epimutations." Trends in Genetics (2024).
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Cedar, H., Sabag, O., & Reizel, Y. (2022). The role of DNA methylation in genome-wide gene
regulation during development. Development, 149(2),
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Reizel, Yitzhak, et al. "FoxA-dependent demethylation of DNA initiates epigenetic memory of cellular identity." Developmental Cell 56.5 (2021): 602-612.
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Reizel, Yitzhak, et al. "Collapse of the hepatic gene regulatory network in the absence of FoxA factors." Genes & development 34.15-16 (2020): 1039-1050.
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Reizel, Yitzhak, et al. "Postnatal DNA demethylation and its role in tissue maturation." Nature communications 9.1 (2018): 1-11
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Reizel, Yitzhak, et al. "Gender-specific postnatal demethylation and establishment of epigenetic memory." Genes & development 29.9 (2015): 923-933.
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Orlanski, S., Labi, V., Reizel, Y., Spiro, A., Lichtenstein, M., Levin-Klein, R, et al. "Tissue-specific DNA demethylation is required for proper B-cell differentiation and function." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.18 (2016): 5018-5023 5023.
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